Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Commandments, we sent with them their Scriptures, and Ballance, that people might weigh with good weights. We gave iron to men, it causeth great evils, and great good in the world, God knoweth them that fight with zeal for his Law and his Prophet, without seeing him, he is strong and omnipotent. We sent Noah and Abraham to instruct the people; we instructed their progeny in the Scripture; some followed the right way, and many disobeyed our Commandments; We sent after them our Prophets and Apostles; we sent Jesus the son of Mary, we taught him the Gospel; we put civility, clemencie, and chastity into the hearts of them that followed him; we did not command them to keep virginity, they kept it of their own accord, because of their desire they had to please God; they have not observed their Law as they ought, many have been disobedient, but we have rewarded those among them that believed. O ye that believe in Jesus! fear God, and believe in his Prophet, ye shall have double the reward of Gods mercy, he shall pardon your sins, he is gracious and merciful: I teach you these things, to the end that such as have heretofore received the written Law, may know, that they have no power over the grace of God, he giveth it to whom he listeth, certainly it is immense,
The Chapter of the Dispute, containing twenty two Verses, written at Medina.
IN the name of God, gracious and merciful. God hath heard the speech of her that disputed with thee, concerning the action of her husband; she exhibited to him her complaints, he heareth all your discourses, he heareth and seeth all. No person among you shall swear never to touch his wife no more then his mother; your wives are not your mothers; your mothers are those that conceived and brought you forth; they that speak in that manner, speak uncivilly, but God is gracious and