Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
works; they shall repose upon beds well ordered, we will marry them to wives that shall have fair eyes, they shall be attended of their family, and be largely rewarded for their good works; every good action shall be to them a degree of happiness; We will give them such fruits and Vines as they shall desire; they shall present to each other the cup to drink, they shall not speak an evill word, and shall not sin; they shall have pages about them for their service beautifull as polished pearls, they shall discourse among them, concerning what they did before on Earth, and say, We were in the world, we and our families, with a great apprehension of the pains of hell, but God hath gratified us, he hath delivered us from eternall flames. They shall say moreover, we worshipped in the world but one God, most just, and most mercifull. Remember thou to preach the Alcoran; thou art not ingratefull for the grace of God, thou art not possessed of the Devill; will they say that thou art a Poet, a Rimer? That nothing must be expected from thee but fables of past Ages? Say unto them, ye expect the time of my destruction, but I with you, expect the time of your [ruine.] Do their superiors command them to speak in this manner? Will they be obstinate in their errors? Will they say, that Mahomet hath invented the Alcoran! Certainly they are incredulous, let them bring any discourse like to this book, in Doctrine and Eloquence, if what they affirm be true. Were they created of any thing? have they created any thing? have they created themselves? have they created the Heavens and the Earth? Certainly they are incredulous: Have they in their power the treasures of thy Lord? are they Gyants? Have they a ladder, that may raise them to hear what is spoken in Heaven? Let them produce some reason of their opinion; Believe ye that God hath daughters, and that ye have sonnes? Will ye require of him a salary for obeying his Law? Is he your debtor? The wicked are lyars; do they know what shall be? do they write it? Desire they to conspire against thee? The wicked often conspire against the righteous, that worship but one God: Praised be God, he hath no companion; If the Infidels should