Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
shall be pardoned, and they shall enjoy the joys of Paradise, prepared for the righteous. He that shall speak to his father and mother in civility, and shall say unto them in derision, will ye bring me yet once more into the world after my death? Will ye revive me from my grave? many are dead heretofore, that are not returned: he shall be punished of God, his father and mother shall require help of his divine Majesty, and shall say unto him, my son, misery is with thee, believe in God, and in the Resurrection, the Word of God is infallible; if he reply that it is an old Fable; he shall feel the punishment of God, the word of his divine Majestie shall be accomplished against him, as it hath been accomplished against them that did precede him in impiety, as well devils as men, they shall be damned; they shall be in sundry degrees of pains, he shall chastise them after their demerits, and no injustice shall be done to them. It shall be said to the wicked that would depart out of hell fire, ye expelled your felicity, when ye lived in the world; your punishment was deferred until this present, ye shall this day be punished in this fire, because of your pride and crimes. Remember thou the brother of Aad, who preached the torments of hell in the valley of Hecaf, his words was heard in his time, and are come to posterity, viz. worship but one God alone; if you do otherwise, I apprehend for you the day of Judgment: they answered him, art thou come to hinder us to adore our gods? let us see the torments that thou preachest to us, if thou art true: he said, God knoweth in what time he will chastise you; I preach to you what hath been appointed me to preach, but I see that ye are obstinate. When they beheld a black cloud appear, which approached the place of their habitation, they said, behold a cloud that shall give us rain; on the contrary, it is the punishment that ye have demanded, it is full of an impetuous winde that shall destroy you through the Commandment of God; in the morning their houses were found empty of inhabitants. Thus God chastiseth the wicked; ye dwell in the places which they inhabited; they had hearts, eyes, and ears, but their hearts, eyes, and ears were to them unprofitable; the evill which they despised befell them, when they neglected to