Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Prophets; this is a special grace of thy Lord, he heareth and knoweth all things, he is Lord of Heaven and Earth, and of all that is between them, believe in his omnipotency. There is no God but he, he giveth life and death to whom he listeth, he is your Lord, the Lord of your fathers and predecessors; the wicked deride this discourse, but the day of Judgment attends them; that day the Heaven shall resemble smoak, that shall cover the world; that day shall the people say, behold here grievous torments; Lord deliver us from this misery, we will believe in thy Law: Their conversion shall be in vain, because when the Prophet preached to them, they scorned his words, and said, that he was a foolish Teacher; and when they were comforted on Earth, they returned to their impiety: Remember thou the day when they were vanquished, and taken by force, and that we were revenged on their impiety; We heretofore tryed the people of Pharoah; my beloved Prophet preached to them my Commandments, and said, Come follow me, oh ye servants of God! I am a faithfull Messenger of his divine Majesty, resist not his Law; I will teach you his Commandments, he shall defend me from your malice, he shall preserve me from being stoned; but if he will not believe me, depart far from me. He prayed to his Lord, when he knew, that that people was unbelieving, and impious. God said unto him, goe forth by night out of the City with my servants; if the men of Pharoah pursue thee, enter into the Sea, through a path large and spacious; thine enemies that shall follow thee, shall be drowned. How many Gardens, Fountains, and places of pleasure, wherein they took delight, did they forsake? They fell into the power of another with all their treasures, and none lamented them, either in Heaven or Earth, they expected not that punishment. We delivered the Children of Israel from Pharoahs tyranny, he was powerfull, and a great sinner. We elected them through our certain knowledg among all the world, and tryed them through our Miracles, and Commandments. The wicked say, we shall dye and not rise again; if the Resurrection be true, cause our fathers to revive, to evidence the truth