Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
from the wicked; behold the day which ye would not believe: It shall be said to the Angels, gather them together, assemble their wives, and their Idols, put them into the way of hell, and stay them, to give accompt of their deporrments, and why their Idols do not succour them. Certainly they shall desire to be in the number of them that have obeyed Gods Commandments: they shall quarrel among them, and shall say, it is you that have seduced us from the right way, through your oaths; ye swore that ye followed the Law of God, and observed his Commandments: they shall answer on the contrary, we have no power over you, you your selves were in manifest error, the word of God shall be accomplished against us, and we shall for company suffer the tormens of hell; if we seduced you, we were likewise seduced, and we shall this day be your companions in punishment. That day shall the wicked be in this maner afflicted: they become insolent on earth, when it is told them there is but one God, and say, shall we abandon our gods for a foolish and lying Poet? on the contrary, he teacheth you the truth, as did the Prophets that were before him; ye shall be chastised, and intreated according to your demerits. Such as shall obey Gods Commandments, shall have a place of safety wherein to rest, with all sorts of fruits, in pleasant gardens, sitting orderly on delicious beds, with glasses full of a drink, pleasing to the taste, which shall not make them drunk. Their wives white as fresh eggs, shall not cast an eye upon any but upon them; they shall talk together, and one among them shall say, I had on earth a companion, who asked me if I believed in the Resurrection; and if after being reduced to earth, bones, and dust, we shall rise again? come with me, let us go see what he doth; he shall see him in the bottom of hell, and shall say unto him, by God, it wanted little but that thou hadst seduced me, without the grace of God I had been damned, as thou art, we are not in the number of the dead, we shall not suffer any pain; on the contrary, we are in exceeding great happiness; thus are the righteous rewarded; who are the more happy? they who are in our felicitie, or such as are neer to Zacon, the tree of hell? This tree cometh out