Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
which are not the works of their hands; will they not acknowledg the works of their Lord? Praise is due to him that created the male and the female of all plants that the Earth produceth, who created man and woman, and many other things, of which they have no knowledg. It is a sign of my omnipotency, to separate the day from the night, and to make the Sunne to run to his appointed place. We have appointed to the Moon her signes, she goeth and cometh always through her old way; the Sun neither hastneth, nor retardeth his course at any time, neither doth joyn himself by night to the Moon; the night cometh not untill the end of the day. And all, to wit, the Moon, the Sun, and the Stars exalt my glory in the Heaven: It is a mark of mine omnipotency, to have born their fathers upon the waters in the Ark, and to have given them vessels like the Ark to bear them; had it pleased me, I had caused them to be drowned, without succor and salvation; I saved them through my speciall grace, untill the time appointed. The wicked despise the signes of Gods omnipotency, and scoffed, when they were required to fear the wrath of his divine Majesty, present, and to come, and that their iniquities shall be forgiven them. When it was said unto them, Give almes of the wealth that God hath given you, they answered, shall I give him to eat, to whom God shall give bread when it shall please him? They are in a very great error. They will enquire of you when the day of Judgment shall be; and if ye believe it, tell them that they must expect but one sole voyce, that shall surprize them, they shall quarrel, they shall not be able to make their Testament, neither return to see their parents; in the end they shall goe out of their Sepulchres, and present themselves before God, when the Trumpet shall sound: Then shall they say, we are most miserable, to have departed from our graves, behold what God hath promised us! The Prophets spake to us the Truth, viz. That the world ought to expect but one voyce: This day shall all men be assembled before their Lord, no injustice shall be done to any person, and every one shall be rewarded, and chastised after his works: Such as shall goe into