Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
from the East to the West; we gave him a fountain, and a brook of dissolved brass; the devils, through our permission, wrought it to his minde, and we punished in the fire of hell such as refused to obey him. They built for him lofty palaces, and * spacious houses; they formed basons for water, chanels, and pools: we said unto him, O lineage of David! be not ingrateful for my graces, for that few persons do acknowledg [them.] When he dyed, through our Commandment, nothing discovered his death to the devils, but the worms that had eaten the end of his staffe whereon he leaned; when the devils saw him fall, they perceived, that had they known the future, and what was hid from them, they should not have laboured so long a time in his service. The Inhabitants of Saba have a mark of my Omnipotency in their Countrey, viz. two gardens, the one on the North side, and the other towards the South, (it was said unto them) eat of the good things that your Lord hath given you, and return him thanks; their Country is delicious, God hath been merciful towards them, nevertheless they are ingrateful and impious; we sent the river of Arem that overflowed their gardens; we changed them into two gardens of thornes of Cyprus, and a little * Tamarinde; thus did we punish them, because of their impiety. We established a way with many cities, for facility of commerce among them, and the City which we blessed, and spake unto the people to follow that way night and day with safety, and without fear: They said, God destroyeth us through the length of this way; they returned to their impiety, and we dispersed them upon the earth, to serve for example to posterity, and instruction to such as persevere in my Law, and acknowledg my graces. The devill caused them to believe his opinion, they followed him, except some of the true believers that were among them; he had no power over them, but to know them that believed in the Resurrection, and such as doubt. Thy Lord observeth and regardeth all. Say unto them, invoke your Idols, they have not power of the bigness of an Atome, neither in heaven, nor earth, God hath no companion, they shall finde none to protect them at the day of Judgment, none shall
* Depeinpied.
*An Indien Date.
See Gelaldin.