Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
defile it, and shed blood, while we exalt thy Glory, and sanctifie thee? I know said he, what you know not. He taught Adam the names of all things, who discovered them to the Angels, to whom God said, Declare to me the names of all things that I have created, if you know them; they replyed, Praise is due to thy Divine Majesty, we know nothing, but what thou hast taught us, thou alone art knowing and wise. He said to Adam, Declare to them the names of all things that I have created. After he had taught them, God said, Did I not tell you, that I knew what is not, neither in Earth, nor Heaven; and that I understand whatever you make manifest, and whatever you keep most secret? Remember thou, that we said to the Angels, Humble yourselves before Adam; they all humbled themselves, except the Devil: He was already proud, and in the number of the wicked. We said unto Adam, Dwell thou and thy wife in Paradise, and eat there what thou likest, but approach not that Tree, lest thou be in the number of the unjust. The Devil made them to sin, and depart from the Grace in which they were; then we said to them, Descend you enemies one to another, you shall have a dwelling upon Earth, and goods wherewith to live for a time. Adam begged pardon for his fault of his Lord, he pardoned him, because he is gracious and merciful, and said, Descend, and go all of you out of Paradise; there shall hereafter come to you, a guide from me. Such as shall follow him, shall be delivered from fear and affliction (at the day of Judgment;) such as shall be impious, and conceal my Commandments, shall burn eternally in the fire of Hell. O Children of Israel, remember the Grace I have done you, I will satisfie my Promises, perform yours, fear me, and believe in what I have sent from Heaven, confirming what was before taught you; be not the first impious, and forsake not my Law at any rate; fear me, and cover not the Truth with a lye, neither willingly conceal it: Make your Prayers at the time appointed, pay Tithes, and worship your Lord with them that adore him. Will you command people that have no care of their souls, to do good? Will you meditate upon Scripture, with observing it? Entreat for succor with patience, and with prayers they abound not, but in them that are obedient, that
The Alcoran in the old and new Testament.