Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
present, and the future, he hath no companion; Say, Lord, give me to see the effect of all that thou hast promised to them, and put me not among the unjust, deliver us from evill, and do good to us, I know their impiety; Lord deliver me from the temptations of the devill, deliver me from their malice; when any one among them dieth, he saith, Lord, permit me to return into the world, I will do better then I have done; there is no return, it is to speak in vain, there is an obstacle behind them, that detaineth them until the day of Judgment; when the Trumpet shall sound, nothing shall retard them, they shall not glory, nor discourse with each other; the ballance of the blessed shall be heavy with good works, and the ballance of the cursed shall be light of good works. Have not my Commandments been preached unto you, wherefore did ye contemn them? They shall say, Lord, our misery prevailed over us, we are mislead, Lord deliver us from this misery, the contrary was promised to us, truly we are exceedingly too blame. It shall be said unto them, depart into the fire, and never speak to come out. Many of them that worship me, say, Lord, we believe in thee, pardon our sins, thou art merciful. Ye have derided them, O ye wicked! and have despised my Commandments, but I will reward them for their perseverance, and they shall be blessed. It shall be said to those that rise again, how many years have ye remained in the earth? they shall answer, we have been there a day, or some days; ask of the Angels appointed to keep the accompt, ye have been there but a little time, did ye know it, do ye believe that I have created, and assembled you before me in vain? Praise and exalt God, King of Truth, there is no God but he, he is king of heaven; he is void of reason that invoketh another god with Him, he shall give accompt of his actions, and the Infidels shall be miserable: Say, Lord, pardon the sins of the righteous, thou art the great merciful.