Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
another? The chief among the people that were Idolaters, said to their adherents, This man is a man like your selves, he would appear, and be esteemed more then you; if God would be adored alone, as he saith, he would cause an Angel to descend, that should bring his Commandments; we have not heard spoken to our predecessors, what he saith; he is a man possessed of the devill, tarry, and ye shall see what will become of him: Then Noah said, Lord, protect me against them, and defend me from their blasphemies; we commanded him to build an Ark, when our Commandment was given to destroy the wicked, and when the water of his caldron boyled, we commanded him to enter into the Ark, with two beasts of every kinde and species; all men we destroyed, except them of whom we have before spoken, (we said unto him) speak not to me for Infidels, they shall be drowned, when thou shalt have taken order for every thing that must enter into the Ark with thee. Say, praise be to God, who hath delivered us from the malice of the wicked; Lord, give us to descend in a blessed place, thou art the best Pilot in the world. It was a sign of my omnipotency to prove the people of Noah: We created after them another people, to whom we sent an Apostle, to instruct them to worship one God; and he said, What God will yee adore other than God? Will ye not fear his wrath? Their Doctors that were impious, who denied the Resurrection of the flesh, and on whom we had conferred the wealth of the earth, said, he is a man, he eateth and drinketh like you, if ye obey not a man like to your selves, shall ye be destroyed? doth he promise you to return into the world, after having been bones and dust? O abuse! O abuse! ye are abused in what he promiseth, he is a man like others, he is a lyar, we will not believe him: That Apostle said, Lord, preserve me from their blasphemies, they shall repent suddenly of their impiety; then thunder surprised them, and destroyed them, as they deserved, we made the land dry and barren without fruit, and created other persons in their place. Man cannot die before his hour, and none can retard it; we sent our Apostles and our Prophets to instruct the people, but they were slain one after another, every Nation