Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
promised Truth shall not be far off, it shall trouble the sight of the wicked, Who shall say, O misery! We are miserable, we did not foresee this disaster, we have been exceedingly too blame for having offended God. It shall be said unto them, Ye worshipped instead of God, the firebrands of Hell, into which ye shall be cast headlong: Had your Idols been Gods, as ye believed, they should not have entred Hell; they, and those that have adored them, shall be eternally damned; they shall groan, complain, and shall not be heard: Such as shall be in Paradise, shall be far remote from them; they shall not hear their howlings, and shall enjoy eternally what they shall desire; the cryes of the damned shall not afflict them; the Angels shall meet them when they come out of their graves; and shall say, Behold now the day that was foretold you in the world; a day, wherein we will open the Heavens, and the Book of the accompt of all men, as we promised to your predecessors. We exactly perform what we promise; we have written in the Old Testament, and afterwards in the Alcoran, That the righteous shall inherit the Earth: This Book shall teach the way of Paradise to them that shall worship me: We had not sent thee, but in favor of men; say unto them, God hath always inspired into me, that your God is one God, will ye not obey him? If they go astray, I have taught you how they must be intreated. Say unto them, I know not whether the punishment denounced to you shall be speedy, or tardy. God knoweth what is known, and unknown in the world; I know not whether he will try you, or defer his punishment until the time appointed: He is a most just Judg, and most merciful; he is not such as ye speak him.