Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
miracles of the mercifull were related to them, they fell prostrate, and adored him with tears in their eyes; their posterity forsook their footsteps, abandoned the Law, and followed their own appetites; but they shall be precipitated into Hell, except such as shall be converted, and do good works, they shall enter into Paradise, and no injustice shall be done to them, they shall enter into the garden of Eden; what the mercifull [God] doth promise, is infallible; they shall hear nothing spoken in Paradise that shall displease them; they shall hear the salutation of Angels, and morning and evening shall have what they desire; such is Paradise, which God giveth to his creatures that have his fear before their eyes. I * descend not from Heaven, but by the permission of thy Lord, he is master of our actions in Heaven and Earth, and of whatsoever is between them; he hath not forgot thee, worship him, and persevere in thy adoration, knowest thou any person that is named, like him? Man saith, What, shall I dye and rise again? He considereth not that God hath created him of nothing; I will one day assemble the Infidels, and Devils, I will cause them to appear at the gate of Hell upon their knees, and will cast upon them all manner of misery, because they have encreased their impiety towards their Lord. I know such as deserve to burne in Hell, they shall be thrown thither headlong, this is a most just sentence pronounced by the Lord. I will save the righteous, and forbid Infidels to fall on their knees before Idols: when the unbelievers, and many of the faithful heard my Commandments preached, they said among themselves, that they were in a better way than their neighbour; how many have we destroyed before them, in past Ages, more rich than they, and hypocrites like unto them? Say unto them, God prolongeth the life of the erroneous, that they may know their errors, and learn the knowledge of the pains prepared for them, they shall understand who shall be the most miserable: and who shall have been most weak in their faith, and least affectionate to the service of his divine Majesty; God shall encrease their faith, who shall follow the right way; and such as be obedient to him, shall enjoy his grace.
* Gelaldin faith, that Mahomet complaineth to the Angel Gabriel for having been so long absent from him.