Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
what he desired, he went as far as the West, where he found a fountain guarded by a man, who said to him, O Alexander! chastise men through the murther of their persons, bondage, and ransom; he answered, I will put to death unbelievers in this world, and the Lord shall punish them in hell, and the righteous shall enjoy the glory of Paradise; I will tell the wicked, that God hath given us what we have desired. After this, he continued his way untill he came to a place, where the Sun riseth; he found that it riseth in a countrey, where they have nothing to shelter them from its heat, the thing is so: we taught Alexander how to shelter himself; he followed his way, until he arrived between two mountains, inhabited of a Nation that spake a Language which he could hardly understand; they said to him, O Alexander! Jagog, and Magog defile the earth, canst thou put between them and us an obstacle, to hinder that they may not come to us? God, said Alexander, hath not given me means to do it; but assist me with your power, I will put between them and you a strong separation; give me iron that can cut stones, that I may build betwixt the two mountains, and that I may fortifie the way that divideth them; blow when the iron striketh the stones, to kindle fire, and poure on molten brass to joyn the Sstones and iron together; if they come, they cannot pierce through the mountains, neither finde a way to come to you, this is a favour which God conferreth on you, his promises are infallible; when the hour arriveth, he is true in what he promiseth; we will permit them to mixe each with other; we will assemble all of them when the Trumpet shall sound; then we will open Hell to the wicked, and to such as would neither see, nor hear the Alcoran; Do they imagine them that worship me to be their gods? We have prepared hell to punish them. Say unto them, shall I relate unto thee what shall befall the damned? Their works shall be unprofitable in this world, although they think to do well, good works are unprofitable to them that contemn the Commandments of their Lord, and believe not in the resurrection; they shall not want ballance at the day of Judgment; hell shall be their habitation, because they deride our Commandments, and our Apostles,