Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
[them.] In the morning this Infidel found his gardens destroyed to the very roots; he was extreamly perplexed, by reason of the expence he had made to plant them evenly; and he said, would to God I had not adored Idols: He shall finde none that is able to protect him at the day of Judgment, but God, all protection and grace issueth from his divine bounty, and the end of the righteous shall be happy. Speak unto them this parable, the life of the world is like unto raine fallen from Heaven, that refreshed and revived the hearbs of the Earth, and in the morning were drie as chaffe, carryed away by the winde; God is omnipotent: Riches and children are the ornaments of this life, but good works are eternall, they are acceptable to God, and give us hope of his grace. Be thou mindfull of the day when the mountains shall walke, and thou shalt see the Earth to be plain; that day we assemble the good and the wicked, and will not faile of my word to any person; that day shall the Infidels beseech the Lord to save them, he shall say unto them, You came unto us naked; as when we at first created you, and ye believed on Earth, that there was no resurrection; Then shall he give to every one the Book, wherein shall be written the accompt of their sinnes; Thou shalt see the wicked trembling with fear, saying, behold here our destruction! What is there in this Book? It containeth their veniall and mortall sinnes, and detecteth their offences, they shall find the number of their crimes before their eyes: Thy Lord is unjust to none; Remember thou that we commanded the Angels to prostrate themselves before Adam, and that they humbled themselves, except the Devill, who was in the number of Angels, he disobeyed his Lord; nevertheless Adam and his posterity have obeyed him, although he is their open enemy, and particularly of the Infidels. Consider ye not that God created Heaven and Earth, and he made you, and hath no need to be aided of you? Be thou mindefull of the day, when it shall be said to Idolaters, call upon your Idols that ye have worshiped, for remission of your sinnes; they shall implore them, but none shall hear their prayers, we have ruined them; the wicked shall behold the fire,