Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
son, who shall be a great personage: Do you tell me (said he) that I shall have a son in mine old age? why speak yee in that manner? We tell thee the truth, despair not of the grace of God, none but the wicked despair: O Messengers of God! (said Abraham) what do ye require? We are sent to destroy the Infidels, and to preserve the whole family of Lot, except his wife, she shall remain with them that shall be punished. When these Messengers came to Lots house, he told them, he knew them not; they said to him, we are come to thee, to cleare this people of their doubt of Gods Omnipotencie; what we speak unto thee is most true; cause thy family this night to go out of the City, and follow their steps, that none among you look behind him, and go whither you shall be commanded; the wicked shall in the morning be destroyed. The Inhabitants of the City came to Lots house to see those strangers; Lot said unto them, I beseech you defile not your selves, with my Guests, fear God, and dishonour not your selves, behold my daughters, take them; They said, we do not hinder thee to lodg thy guests, and remained confounded in their drunkenness. In the morning thunder surprised them, we overthrew the City upside down, and caused it to rain stones with fire, that utterly destroyed it. This shall serve for example to passengers that shal see those ruines, and for a marke of the Omnipotency of God, to them that shall believe in his divine Majesty. They that inhabited the wood neer to Medina were impious, but we avenged us on them, they served for example to posterity, as did the people of the City of Lot. They that dwell in the Valley of Hegir, have defamed the Prophets; we gave them to see our Miracles, and taught them our Commandments, they contemned them, but they reposed in the morning in their houses built upon the mountains, and in their fortresses; when thunder surprised them, their treasures did not save them, and they were all destroyed. We created the heavens and the earth to be signs of the Truth, and of our Unity: The hour of Judgment approacheth; absent thy self from thy people with mildness, thy Lord who created all things, knoweth all. We taught thee seven signs, and the most precious Alcoran. Tarry not to consider
That is the Preface of the Alcoran, containing seven verses.