Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
recounted, nevertheless the Inhabitants of Mecca are always impious and wicked; Abraham said, Lord protect this City, and make it to be the refuge of the world; Keep me and my Children from the worship of Idols, they have seduced a part of the people; he that shall follow me, and professe thy unity, shall be mine; if any one disobey me, thou art gracious and mercifull: Lord, one part of my Lineage inhabiteth Mecca, in a place unfruitfull, give them the grace to persevere in thy service, incline the hearts of men to affect them, enrich them with the fruits of the Earth, peradventure they will thanke thee; thou knowest whatsoever is in the world, I know it not; nothing that is in Heaven, or in Earth is hid from thee; praysed be God, who hath given me Ismael and Isaac in mine old age, he heareth prayers when it pleaseth him; Lord, give me and my posterity the grace to persevere in well doing, hear my prayers, pardon me, and pardon my father, and all True believers at the day of Judgment. Think not that God is ignorant of the actions of Infidels, he deferreth the punishment of their crimes untill the day that all men shall have their eyes opened: that day shall they behold their sins before their eyes, and their hearts shall be full of desolation; If thou preachest to the people the day of Judgment, hath God (will the wicked say) preserved us to this present time, to do what thou dost appoint us? Say unto them, have ye not sworne heretofore, that there is no resurrection? Ye have dwelt with the unjust, ye have seen how they have been chastised, and how we have spoken to you in parables. Certainly they conspire, but God knoweth their conspiracy, their policie is to tempt the Prophet, to see if he will make the Mountains to move. Think not that God will violate what he hath promised to the Prophets, he is omnipotent, and avengefull. Consider the day wherein the Earth and Heavens shall change their face, and all people shall rise again; that day shall one sole God omnipotent command men to come out of their Monuments; Thou shalt that day see the wicked bound in their chaines, their garments shall be full of pitch, and guitran, their faces shall be covered with fire, that day shall