Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
King of Egypt; I will not send him with you unless ye all sweare before God to bring him back again, if there be no great impediment. They swore to fulfill his will; then said he, I take God to be witness of your oath: O my sons! Enter not all together into the city, but go in at severall gates, to the end the people may not be jealous of you; God commandeth what to him seemeth good, I rely on him, all true believers ought to resign themselves to his divine will; they entred the City as their father enjoyned them, to content him; being arrived before Joseph, he took his little brother by the hand, and said to him, trouble not thy self for what shall become of thy brethren; having filled their sacks, he caused a Cup adorned with precious stones to be put into the sack of his little brother; caused it to be given out, that they of the Caravan had stolne the Kings Cup; and sent men after them to search; those strangers protested they saw it not, and that they came not into Egypt to steal, that they were sureties for each other, and that he who had stolne it, deserved punishment. The Cup was found in the sack of his young brother; he caused him to be apprehended, and accused them all of theft; Lord, said they, his father is old, he will be extreamly afflicted for his absence, take one of us in his place, thou shalt in the end finde us to be honest men: God forbid, said he, that I should detain other then him who was found guilty of theft, that would be injustice; finding themselves out of hope to free their brother, they saved themselves in a secret place remote from the City; where the eldest said to his brethren, you know the oath we took at our departure, and how heretofore we intreated Joseph, I will not go out of Egypt without my fathers permission, God is most just, he shall dispose of me and my brother as shall please him, return to your father, and say unto him, thy son was taken in theft, we saw him, and endeavored to our power to deliver him, they of the Caravan shall be witnesses. Jacob said at their return, they were the cause of that accident that did not displease you; and he took patienee, saying, God perhaps will favour my sons to return in health; he knoweth in what condition I am, he is most prudent in what he ordaineth. He retired from among