Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
them what was their design, when they sollicited thee with love; they answered, they knew no sin in thee, and his wife confessed the truth, saying, she had importuned thee, but that thou art a very just man. Joseph answered, by this it appears that I am no traitor to my Master in his absence, God guideth not traitors; I will not say, I am a man without sin, the spirit of man inclineth to evill, except such to whom God hath given his particular grace, he is gracious and mercifull to whom seemeth good to him. The King having talked with Joseph, entred him into the number of his domesticks, and made him superintendent of his * revenews, because he knew him to be a man of spirit, faithfull, and thrifty. We, by our especial grace, established Joseph in the Country of Egypt, where he did what seemed good to him. I deprive not the righteous of their reward on earth, the recompence of the other world is yet greater for them that believe in my Law, and have my fear before their eyes. The brethren of Joseph returned to buy corne; he said to them, when ye shall come again, bring with you your young brother by the father, you shall finde I will make you good measure, and lodge well my guests; if you bring him not, there shall be no corne for you, approach not this kingdom without him: They answered, Lord, his father loveth him exceedingly, nevertheless we shall endeavour to perform what thou enjoynest us; he commanded his servants to put their money for corne in the bottoms of his brethrens sacks, perhaps, said he, they will return, or acknowledge this favour when they shall come into their Country. When they arrived at their father, they said, father, there is no more corne for us, if our young brother go not with us, if he go thither we shall have good measure, and we will be careful of him. You will be careful, said he, as you were heretofore of your brother Joseph; God will defend him better then you, he is the merciful of the merciful. When they poured forth their corne, they found their money at the bottoms of their sacks, and said, our father, what shall we desire more, our money is restored to us, and we have bread for our family, permit that our brother go with us, we shall have better measure, that is a small thing to the King
* All the revenews of the Crown.