Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
are necessary for them, and what the Prophets have heretofore taught; thine heart hath been strengthened, they containe the truth, and they shall be for a lesson to true believers. Say unto Infidels, do on your part as yee shall understand, we will do on our part as we understand, and attend the issue, we will attend it with you; whatsoever is in heaven, and in earth appertains to God, all men shall be assembled before him, worship him, resign your selves to his Will, he knoweth whatsoever the people doth.
The Chapter of Joseph, containing an hundred and thirteen Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and merciful. I am the mercifull God. These signs are the signs of the Book which distinguisheth good from evil. We have caused to descend from heaven the Alcoran, written in the Arabique tongue, peradventure ye will learn it. I deliver unto thee in the Alcoran, one of the best things that I have inspired into thee. Thou wert before the comming thereof, in the number of the ignorant. Remember thou, that Joseph said to his father, My father, I saw in a dream eleven Stars, the Sun, and the Moone, I saw them adoring me. My Son, said his father, discover not thy dream to thy brothers, they will conspire against thee, the devill is an open enemy to men, thou shalt be elected of the Lord in this world, he shall teach thee the explication of Dreams, he shall accomplish his grace upon thee, and upon the lineage of Jacob, as he did accomplish it upon thy fathers, Abraham and Isaac; the Lord knoweth all things, and is most wise. The History of Joseph shall serve for example to posterity; remember thou, how his brothers said, our father loveth our brother Joseph more than all us together, he is in an exceeding great error, let us kill Joseph, and cast him into some secret place remote from us, his absence will render the face of our