Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
people! see ye not that God hath taught me what I preach? He hath given me wealth for subsistance; I contradict you in nothing but what is forbidden you, I will do nothing but what is reasonable, and conform the most I shall be able to Justice; my whole support is in God, I recommend my self to the will of his divine Majestie, before which I must one day appear. O people! take heed lest ye become criminall, if ye forsake the company of the righteous, and lest that befall you, that hapned to them who would not believe Noah, Hod, Salhe, and Lot; the punishment of God is not far from you; beg pardon of him, and be converted, he is mercifull and amiable. They said, O Chaib! we understand not all that thou sayest; we see thee amongst us without force and power; wert thou not accompanied, we would stone thee; thou shalt have no dominion over us. He said, O people! esteem ye my company, and fear ye it more than God? Have ye turned the back towards him? He knoweth all your actions, live after your own manner, I will live after mine, you shall hereafter know your error; he whom God will chastise, shall remain in perpetual misery, you shall soone understand who shall be the lyar, you or I; expect the issue, I will expect with you: when we commanded to destroy them, we (through our especial grace) preserved Chaib, and the true believers that were with him; thunder surprized those wicked ones, and they in the morning remained dead, extended as carkases in their houses. Thus were the Inhabitants of Madian chastised like the people of Temod. We sent Moses to Pharaoh and his Doctors, with Miracles with Arguments and Reasons most clear and intelligible; but those Doctors followed his will, and obeyed his commandments, notwithstanding they were contrary to reason; they shall follow him at the day of Judgment, as they followed him upon earth; that day shall they be accursed, and shall finde none that shall be able to protect them: the punishment of Mecca shall be like to that I relate to thee; there be of its Inhabitants who subsist, and that do not subsist, and are no more; we have done them no injustice, they have drawn mischief on themselves, and their Idols have been of no use to them, but to augment their misery, when