Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
long time, touching the inhabitants of the City of Lot; he was of a middle disposition, and frequently repeated the praises of God. The Messengers said unto him, O Abraham! put an end to thy questions, the hour is come, wherein God hath commanded to destroy them, they shall undergo inevitable torments. When they arrived in Lots house, he was grieved, in that he was not able to secure them from the insolencie of the people; he said, behold here a day extremly difficult to pass; The Inhabitants of the City having knowledge of their arrivall, repaired to Lots house to continue their filthiness: Lot said unto them, O people! I have two daughters, whom I will give you, fear God, trouble me not, abuse not my guests; is there none among you to shew you your error? They answered, thou well knowest that we have nothing to do with thy daughters, thou knowest what we require; he said, were I of sufficient power, I would dwell in a fortified place to avoid the assaults of your malice: Then said the Messengers of God unto him, O Lot! we are Angels sent from God, those villains shall not approach thee, go this night out of the City with thy family, none shall look back but thy wife; she shall feel the punishment prepared for the wicked, they shall be punished early in the morning; be gone speedily, the day approacheth; when we destroyed them, we turned the City upside down, and caused it to raine upon them stones marked with fire, to confound them. Such chastisement is not far from the Infidels (that are in Mecca.) We sent Chaib into the Countrey of Madian, he said, O people! worship one God alone; weigh with good weights, and measure with good measure; detain nothing from your neighbour, and defile not the earth, if ye believe in God, otherwise I fear you may be punished at the day of Judgment; the little that shall remain, shall bring you more of content, then all that yee can purloin, in weighing with false weights, and measuring with false measure. I am not sent to be your Tutor, but only to declare the word of God: they said, O Chiab, doth thy Law enjoyn us to abandon the gods of our Fathers, and hinder us to make of our goods what shall seem good to us? thou art not of an humour good enough to be our Director. He said, O people!
See Kitab el tenoir, and Gelaldin.