Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
against them, God did cast them to advantage the True-believers; he understandeth whatsoever they say, and knoweth all their actions: certainly, he will augment the affliction of the wicked. When ye required victory, it was given you; if you relinquish your impiety, you shall do well; if you return to fight against the Prophet, know that he will protect hi against you; your men of war shall advantage you in nothing, notwithstanding they be numerous; for that God is with the True-believers. O ye that believe, obey God and his Prophet, depart not from him, since ye have heard the Commandments of his divine Majesty, be not as those that say, We have heard, and were deaf and dumb. The ignominy and misery that God layeth on beasts, is to be deaf and dumb, and to want the use of reason: Had God seen any good inclination in the Infidels, he had not left them in their deafness; but although they had heard clearly, they should have always departed from his Law, and have been obstinate. O ye that believe in God! obey God and the Prophet, demand life eternall in your prayers, and know that God will separate the Gall from the Liver; he will separate the Infidell from the True-believer, and you all shall appear before him, to be recompensed and chastised for your works; fear the punishment that shall be inflicted, especially on the seditious, and ingratefull, God is severe in his chastisements; Remember that in the territory of Mecca ye were but an handfull of weak men, and with fear of being taken, and destroyed by the unbelievers; God saved, protected, and enriched you with all manner of good things, peradventure ye will give him thanks. Oh ye that believe! betray not God, nor the Prophet, neither such as confide in you, and have entrusted their wealth in your hands, otherwise your riches, and children shall torment you in the other world. There is with God great reward for the righteous. O ye that believe! if ye fear God, he shall remove your enemies far from you, and pardon your sinnes, his goodnesse is infinite. The wicked have conspired against thee, to punish and slay thee, or drive thee from Mecca; but God hath rendred their conspiracy ineffectual, he