Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
trust in him, who persevere in their prayers, and dispend in pious works some part of their wealth, believe in the unity of his divine Majesty; they have the degree of their habitation in Paradise, shall receive from their Lord pardon of their sinnes, and exceeding great treasure. When thy Lord caused thee to goe out of thine house to goe against the Infidels, a party of the true believers had a great aversion to fighting, they disputed with thee the necessity of Combats, having seen and known that their enemies led them to a certaine death; Call to minde, that God promised you that a party of the Army of the Enemies should obey you. Desire you other thing then the glory and honour of victory? God confirmeth the Truth by his words, and destroyeth the wicked, he ratifieth the Truth, and destroyeth falshood, although it be contrary to the will of the impious. Remember, that your Lord heard you, when you of him implored succours, and that he assisted you with a thousand of his Angels sent from Heaven; God sent you this aide, only to let you know his grace, and to confirm your hearts; victory proceedeth from God, he is omnipotent, and most prudent: Remember that God covered you with a secure sleep, and caused water to descend from Heaven, to wash, purifie, and deliver you from the malice of the Devill. Plant in your heart generosity, and patience, and goe on with assurance. God hath said to his Angels, I will be with you, confirm the steps of the Truebelievers; I will cast feare into the heart of the wicked, strike them on the head, smite them on the fingers, and feet, because they have contradicted my will, and that of the Prophet. God severely chastiseth such as disobey his Commandments, and oppose the will of his Prophet; the unbelievers have heretofore tasted of his punishments in this world, and shall in the end feele the paines of the fire of Hell. Oh ye who believe in God! turne not the back to the wicked, as vanquished, when they approach to fight you, he that shall turne the back, shall returne in the wrath of God, and be throwne headlong into the fire of Hell. You slew not the Infidels at the fight of Beder, God himselfe slew them. * Thou didst not cast stones against
See Gelaldin.
* Oh Mahomet.