Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
their Idols; they shall be chastised after their demerits. Some there be that follow the truth, and judg with equity. I will by degrees punish them that shall reject our Commandments, when they shall think thereon. I will defer their punishment some time, because my wrath is violent: Remember they not, that they said, Mahomet is possest of the Devil? On the contrary, he declareth the joyes of Paradise, and preacheth the torments of Hell. Consider they not the Kingdom of Heaven and of Earth, which God hath created of nothing? The fear of death shall arrive before they have acknowledged their sins; in what will they believe, if they have no faith in the Alcoran? He whom God shall mis-lead, shall finde none to guide him; he shall leave Infidels confounded in their disobedience. They shall enquire of thee concerning the hour and day of Judgment. Say unto them, No man knoweth it but God; but the greatest part of the world believe it not. I have not power to do either good or evil of my self, if God do not permit it; if I knew the future, I should provide wealth to preserve me from poverty: I am sent onely to declare the joyes of Paradise, and preach the torments of Hell to them that believe in God; he it is that created you of one sole person, and created his spouse of his rib, to dwell with her: When she doubted of being with childe, she ceased not to travel as she was wont; but when her conception rendred her heavy, they both besought God, their Lord, and said, Lord give an happy progeny, to the end we may be in the number of them that return thee thanks for thy favors. When God gave them a son, a righteous man, they associated him in what he had given them; and all of them exalted the glory of his divine Majesty, above the Idols of the Infidels, that adored things which could create nothing, that are things created, and can do neither good nor harm. If you call Idolaters to the right way, they will not follow you; if ye invoke Idols, misery shall be upon you; will you be mute, to profess the unity of God? Will you worship the Creatures, instead of the Creator? Go, adore your Idols, and may they hear your prayers, if you believe them to be Gods? Have they feet to walk,