Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
of the wealth of the earth, and that scoffed at the Commandments of God; he hath forgotten them, because they forgot the coming of the day of Judgment, and blasphemed against his precepts. We are come to the inhabitants of Mecca to instruct them in the Alcoran; we teach it unto men, to give them knowledge of the right way, and to acquire the mercy of God, if they believe in that Book: Shall they expect to believe untill they know its explication? Its explication shall appear at the day of Judgment; that day, such as shall have lived without faith, shall say, Certainly the Prophets delivered the Truth; shall we partake of their prayers, will they intercede for us, untill we return to the world to do better than we have done, and to obey Gods Commandments? But they shall be damned, because of their blasphemies. God is your Lord, he created the heaven, and the earth in six dayes, and sitteth on his Throne; he causeth the night incontinently to succeed the day; the Sun, the Moone, and the Stars, move at his command, and all the world obeyeth him; praised be God, Lord of the Uniniverse: Pray to God privately and publikely, he abhorreth the unjust; pollute not the earth, after the ordure is removed; pray to God to avoid his chastisements, and obtain his mercy, which is for the righteous. It is God that sendeth the windes to dissipate the rain, when they carry the clouds; we drive them charged with water, into places drie, dead, and ruined, and cause the rain to fall there, that they may produce herbs and fruits; so will we cause the dead to arise again; perhaps, men will remember the good land bringeth forth good fruits, through the permission of its Lord, and the bad land produceth only darnell. I teach my Commandments to such as are not ingratefull: Certainly we sent Noah to instruct men; he said, O ye people, worship one God alone; if you adore other then him, you shall be punished at the day of Judgment; their Rulers answered, O Noah! thou art in a great error; He replyed, I err not, I am a messenger sent from God to preach his Will; I give you most wholsome advice, God hath taught me what you know not. Is it strange to you, that he hath sent you his Commandment by the tongue of a man like your selves, to declare