Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
blasphemeth against his divine Majesty, and departeth from his Commandments? Such men shall be rigorously chastised in the fire of Hell. Will they expect that the Angels came to visit them? That God should punish, and declare to them his miracles? Will they look for the day of judgment, wherein repentance and conversion shall be unprofitable? Such as believe in one part of the Law, and reject the other, have no foundation in their belief. God shall make them to know their errors, and shall punish them after the enormity of their crimes: He that shall do a good work, shall have a reward tenfold. Whosoever acteth any wickedness, shall be punished in like maner; neither shall he receive injustice. Say unto them, God hath guided me in the way of his Law; such as profess the Law of Abraham, profess the unity of God; Abraham was not in the number of unbelievers: my prayers, my vows, my life, my death shall be consecrated to God; he hath no companion, I wholly commend my self to his divine pleasure. Say unto them, Do I desire to worship other Gods, then the Lord of the Universe? The good that a man doth, is for himself, and the evil that he committeth is against him; you all shall one day appear in the presence of God, he shall resolve your disputes. He it is that prolongeth your posterity, and exalteth some above others, to prove you; your Lord is exact to chastise the wicked, and gracious and merciful to the righteous.