Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
remaine eternally, and so long as it shall please God: Your Lord is most wise, and omniscient; the wicked shall obey the wicked, because of their sinnes. Oh ye Bands of men and Devils! have you not seen my Prophets, and Apostles of your owne Nation, who have given you to see Miracles? who have preached my Commandments, and the day of Judgment? They shall answer, they have seen the Prophets, and Apostles, but that the life of the world rendered them proud, and shall confesse themselves to have been wicked. God shall not destroy Mecca for the injustice therein committed, untill he hath sent an Apostle to the Inhabitants, to teach them his Commandments; every one shall be punished according to his works, thy Lord knoweth whatsoever is done in the world. He hath no need of his people, he is altogether mercifull, he can destroy you if it please him, and establish in your place another people, as he hath established you in the place of your predecessors. If you be not converted, you shall not escape the torments of Hell; Say unto them, do as you understand him, I will comport my selfe, as I shall apprehend him; you shall in the end understand who shall have the good part in the other world. None shall give succour to Idolaters, they offer to their Idols of the fruits that God hath created, and say, (following their thoughts) behold our God! Such sacrifices ascend not to God, their Idolatrie hath induced many of them to sacrifice their own Children to their false Gods, they have destroyed them, and were ensnared in their Religion; which they had not done, had it so pleased God; Separate thy selfe from them and their blasphemies, they have said, that the fruits of the earth, and the benefits of God were uncleane, and would not eat of them. God giveth food but to those whom he is pleased to gratifie. They have prohibited to ride on some beasts that God gave them, and slew them for food, without pronouncing the name of his divine Majestie, which is a great sinne, but they shall be punished according to their demerits. They have said it is lawfull for men to eat what is in the bellies of beasts, and that it is unlawful for their wives, and when they had slain them,