Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
the right way. Eat what shall be slain in pronouncing the name of God; they taught you what was forbidden; eate not, unlesse constrained through necessity: Many erre from the right way, and pursue their own appetites, and ignorance, God beholdeth them that offend him; flie publique and secret sinne, sinners shall be severely chastised; eat not of what is not let-blood in pronouncing the name of God, lest you disobey his Commandments. The Devils will tempt them that serve them, they will perswade unbelievers to dispute against you; if you incline to them, you shall be Infidels as they are. I raised again many of them that were dead through their sinnes, I converted them, and gave them a light to illuminate them, in the darknesse, wherein Infidels shall dwell for ever, because they delight in their disobedience: Thus will I place in every City, leaders, that shall seduce the wicked, and themselves, but shall not understand it: When they beheld any sign (of the truth of the Prophet) appeare; they said, they will not believe in him, unlesse he were accompanied with the vertues, and merits of other Prophets; God maketh choyce of them on whom he conferreth the grace of prophecie, he shall chastise such as discourse in that manner, with ignominie in this world, and they shall feel in the other great torments, by reason of their impietie. God rejoyceth the hearts of them that he inclineth to lead into the way of Salvation, and punisheth them that digresse from the right path; his wrath fell upon the Infidels so soon as he ascended into Heaven. The way thou followest is the right way; we have recompensed such as have understanding to profit, they shall be happy, God shall be their protector, because of their good works. Remember thou the day wherein we shall assemble the people, and when it shall be said to the Devils, Oh ye bands of Devils! wherefore are you risen against men? The chiefe of those men that shall have obeyed them, shall answer, Lord, suffer us to be revenged on each other, and let each command in his turne; Oh Lord, teach us the prefixed time that thou hast appointed to our miseries: The Angels shall answer, Hell shall be your habitation, you shall there remaine
See Gelaldin.