Abu’l-Fazl, The Qur’an. Arabic Text And English Translation: Arranged Chronologically: With An Abstract (1912)

Prefatory Note.

In presenting the following Translation of the Qur’ân I have endeavoured, besides arranging the Sûrahs in the chronological order hitherto accepted by all the learned doctors of Islam, also to render it as literal as possible sometimes even at the risk of being hardly understood though with reference to the subject treated of ther will be little difficulty in arriving at the true significance. In the meantime it should be carefully remembered that the Qur’ân was never given as a book: it is a Prophet’s cry to his people with a purpose which is throughout stamped upon each verse as ineffaceably as anything.

I have also added some Notes at the end of Volume II which I hope will be found to be helpful to those who are just entering upon a study of this Sacred Literature of the Muhammadan World.

The following works which are in the press will be found to be especially helpful in the study of the Qur’ân:

An Introduction to the Study of the Qur’ân.

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Abu’l-Fazl, The Qur’an. Arabic Text And English Translation: Arranged Chronologically: With An Abstract, Asgar & Co., Allahabad, India, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 25 Apr. 2024: http://quran-archive.org/explorer/abul-fazl/1912?page=4