Muhammad Sarwar, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation (2011)

23. The Believers (al-Mu'minūn)

24. The Light (al-Nūr)

25. Discernment (al-Furqān)

26. The Poets (al-Shu‘ara’)

27. The Ant (al-Naml)

28. The Story (al-Qaṣaṣ)

29. The Spider (al-‘Ankabūt)

30. The Romans (al-Rūm)

31. Luqmān

32. The Prostration (al-Sajdah)

33. The Confederates (al-Aḥzāb)

34. Sheba (Saba’)

35. The Originator (al-Fāṭir)

36. Yā Sīn

37. The Ranks (Al-Ṣāffāt)

38. Ṣād

39. The Hordes (al-Zumar)

40. The Forgiver (al-Ghāfir)

41. Expounded Revelations (Al-Fuṣṣilat)

42. The Counsel (Al-Shūrā)

43. The Ornaments (Al-Zukhruf)

44. The Smoke (Al-Dukhān)

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Muhammad Sarwar, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation, The Islamic Seminary Inc, Englewood, NJ (USA), Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 25 Apr. 2024: