Muhammad Asad 1980

A table of contents

Reference pages





Works of Reference


1 Al-Fātiḥah (The Opening)

2 Al-Baqarah (The Cow)

3 Āl ʿImrān (The House of ʿImrān)

4 An-Nisāʾ (Women)

5 Al-Māʾidah (The Repast)

6 Al-Anʿām (Cattle)

7 Al-Aʿrāf (The Faculty of Discernment)

8 Al-Anfāl (Spoils of War)

9 At-Tawbah (Repentance)

10 Yūnus (Jonah)

11 Hūd

12 Yūsuf (Joseph)

13 Ar-Raʿd (Thunder)

14 Ibrāhīm (Abraham)

15 Al-Ḥijr

16 An-Naḥl (The Bee)

17 Al-Isrāʾ (The Night Journey)

18 Al-Kahf (The Cave)

19 Maryam (Mary)

20 Ṭā Hā (O Man)

21 Al-Anbiyāʾ (The Prophets)

22 Al-Ḥajj (The Pilgrimage)

23 Al-Muʾminūn (The Believers)

24 An-Nūr (The Light)

25 Al-Furqān (The Standard of True and False)

26 Ash-Shuʿarāʾ (The Poets)

27 An -Naml (The Ants)

28 Al-Qaṣaṣ (The Story)

29 Al-ʿAnkabūt (The Spider)

30 Ar-Rūm (The Byzantines)

31 Luqmān

32 As-Sajdah (Prostration)

33 Al-Aḥzāb (The Confederates)

34 Sabāʾ (Sheba)

35 Al-Fāṭir (The Originator)

36 Yā Sīn (O Thou Human Being)

37 Aṣ-Ṣaffāt (Those Ranged in Ranks)

38 Ṣād

39 Az-Zumar (The Throngs)

40 Ghāfir (Forgiving)

41 Fuṣṣilat (Clearly Spelled Out)

42 Ash-Shūrā (Consultation)

43 Zukhruf (Gold)

44 Ad-Dukhān (Smoke)

45 Al-Jāthiyah (Kneeling Down)

46 Al-Aḥqāf (The Sand-Dunes)

47 Muḥammad

48 Al-Fatḥ (Victory)

49 Al-Ḥujurāt (The Private Apartments)

50 Qāf

51 Adh-Dhāriyāt (The Dust-Scattering Winds)

52 Aṭ-Ṭūr (Mount Sinai)

53 An-Najm (The Unfolding)

54 Al-Qamar (The Moon)

55 Ar-Raḥmān (The Most Gracious)

56 Al-Wāqiʿah (That Which Must Come to Pass)

57 Al-Ḥadīd (Iron)

58 Al-Mujādalah (The Pleading)

59 Al-Ḥashr (The Gathering)

60 Al-Mumtaḥanah (The Examined One)

61 As-Ṣaff (The Ranks)

62 Al-Jumuʿah (The Congregation)

63 Al-Munāfiqūn (The Hypocrites)

64 At-Taghābun (Loss and Gain)

65 At-Ṭalāq (Divorce)

66 At-Taḥrīm (Prohibition)

67 Al-Mulk (Dominion)

68 Al-Qalam (The Pen)

69 Al-Ḥāqqah (The Laying-Bare of the Truth)

70 Al-Maʿārij (The Ways of Ascent)

71 Nūḥ (Noah)

72 Al-Jinn (The Unseen Beings)

73 Al-Muzzammil (The Enwrapped One)

74 Al-Muddaththir (The Enfolded One)

75 Al-Qiyāmah (Resurrection)

76 Al-Insān (Man)

77 Al-Mursalāt (Those Sent Forth)

78 An-Nabāʾ (The Tiding)

79 An-Nāziʿāt (Those That Rise)

80 ʿAbasa (He Frowned)

81 At-Takwīr (Shrouding in Darkness)

82 Al-Infiṭār (The Cleaving Asunder)

83 Al-Muṭaffifīn (Those Who Give Short Measure)

84 Al-Inshiqāq (The Splitting Asunder)

85 Al-Burūj (The Great Constellations)

86 Aṭ-Ṭāriq (That Which Comes in the Night)

87 Al-Aʿlā (The All-Highest)

88 Al-Ghāshiyah (The Overshadowing Event)

89 Al-Fajr (The Daybreak)

90 Al-Balad (The Land)

91 Ash-Shams (The Sun)

92 Al-Layl (The Night)

93 Aḍ-Ḍuḥā (The Bright Morning Hours)

94 Ash-Sharḥ (The Opening-Up of the Heart)

95 At-Tīn (The Fig)

96 Al-ʿAlaq (The Germ-Cell)

97 Al-Qadr (Destiny)

98 Al-Bayyinah (The Evidence of the Truth)

99 Az-Zalzalah (The Earthquake)

100 Al-ʿĀdiyāt (The Chargers)

101 Al-Qāriʿah (The Sudden Calamity)

102 At-Takāthur (Greed for More and More)

103 Al-ʿAṣr (The Flight of Time)

104 Al-Humazah (The Slanderer)

105 Al-Fīl (The Elephant)

106 Quraysh

107 Al-Māʿūn (Assistance)

108 Al-Kawthar (Good in Abundance)

109 Al-Kāfirūn (Those Who Deny the Truth)

110 An-Naṣr (Succour)

111 Al-Masad (The Twisted Strands)

112 Al-Ikhlāṣ (The Declaration of [God’s] Perfection)

113 Al-Falaq (The Rising Dawn)

114 An-Nās (Men)


1. Appendix I - Symbolism and Allegory in the Qur’ān

2. Appendix II - Al-Muqaṭṭa‘āt

3. Appendix III - On the Term and Concept of Jinn

4. Appendix IV - The Night Journey