Mohammad Khan, The Holy Qurán. With Short Notes. Based on the Holy Quran, or the Authentic Traditions of the Prophet, or the Old and New Testaments or Scientifics Truths. All fictitious romance, questionable history, and disputed theories have been carefully avoided (1905)


The Sublimity and the depth of the language of the Holy Qurán is not such as may possibly be expressed fully in any human language by any human being, unless he is guided in every word by revelation, however, high be his literary and scientific attainments. I ventured to undertake this translation to give a fair knowing people who are unacquainted with Arabic and to break the dead silence that prevails throughout the world concerning the Holy Scripture. Any suggestions about better words in the translation or about better notes or corrections will be received gratefully and utilized in the subsequent editions.

Differences of opinion must come with clear proofs from the Holy Quránor authentic traditions of the Prophet, otherwise, no attention shall be paid to them.

Mohammad Abdul Hakim Khan, M. B.,
The Author.
Patiala, April, 1905.

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Mohammad Khan, The Holy Qurán. With Short Notes. Based on the Holy Quran, or the Authentic Traditions of the Prophet, or the Old and New Testaments or Scientifics Truths. All fictitious romance, questionable history, and disputed theories have been carefully avoided, Rajinder Press, Patiala, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 27 Jul. 2024: