Majid Fakhry, An Interpretation of the Qur’an; English Translation of the Meanings; A Bilingual Edition (2002)

the present translation in this bilingual edition, we have attempted to give as faithful an English rendering of the Arabic text as possible and to correct the errors or lapses of the above-mentioned translations, while acknowledging that we have profited from some. We have also tried to express ourselves in a simple, readable English idiom. For purposes of accuracy, we have often had to rely on the most authoritative commentaries, especially where the meaning of the text was either obscure or controversial, as the notes will show. These notes are intended to be purely explanatory and have for that reason been kept to a minimum.

In closing, I wish to acknowledge the contribution of my friend and colleague, the late Dr Mahmud Zayid, with whom I worked very closely up to his untimely death. Throughout the early part of the work we constantly exchanged notes, and many of his suggestions or corrections were actually embodied in the final version of the translation. Regrettably, however, Providence decreed that our co-operation be cut short; but I would like this translation to be regarded, none the less, as a joint endeavour, because of the way in which the original project was launched and the mutual understanding we reached in the early stages of the work on questions of procedure, style and classical sources or commentaries to be consulted.

Majid Fakhry
June 2000
Washington, DC

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Majid Fakhry, An Interpretation of the Qur’an; English Translation of the Meanings; A Bilingual Edition, Garnet Publishing Limited, UK, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 15 Jan. 2025: