M. H. Shakir, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation; Foot-notes by M. H. Shakir (1974)

help them, and even if they help them, they will certainly turn (their) backs, then they shall not be helped.

13. You are certainly greater in being feared in their hearts than Allah; that is because they are a people who do not understand.

14. They will not fight against you in a body save in fortified towns or from behind walls; their fighting between them is severe; you may think them as one body, and their hearts are disunited; that is because they are a people who have no sense.

15. Like those before them shortly; they tasted the evil result of their affair, and they shall have a painful punishment.

16. Like the Shaitan when he says to man: Disbelieve, but when lie disbelieves, he says: I am surely clear of you; surely I fear Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

17. Therefore the end of both of them is that they arc both in the fire to abide therein, and that is the reward of the unjust.

Section 3

18. O you who believe! be careful of (your duty to) Allah, and let every soul consider what it has sent on for the morrow,

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M. H. Shakir, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation; Foot-notes by M. H. Shakir, R. A. Juma, 1615 Pech Rd., Apt. 26C, Houston, Texas 77055. Presented by World Organization for Islamic Services (WOFIS), P.O. Box No. 2245, Tehran, Iran, 1974 Edition, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 17 Jan. 2025: http://quran-archive.org/explorer/m-h-shakir/1974?page=882