M. H. Shakir, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation; Foot-notes by M. H. Shakir (1974)

28. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

29. All those who are in the heavens and the earth ask of him; every moment He is in a state (of glory).

30. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

31. Soon will We apply Ourselves to you, O you two armies.

32. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

33. O assembly of the jinn and the men! If you are able to pass through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass through; you cannot pass through but with authority.

34. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

35. The flames of fire and smoke will be sent on you two, then you will not be able to defend yourselves.

36. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

37. And when the heaven is rent asunder then it becomes red like red hide.

38. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

39. So on that day neither man nor jinni shall be asked about his sin.

40. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?

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M. H. Shakir, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation; Foot-notes by M. H. Shakir, R. A. Juma, 1615 Pech Rd., Apt. 26C, Houston, Texas 77055. Presented by World Organization for Islamic Services (WOFIS), P.O. Box No. 2245, Tehran, Iran, 1974 Edition, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 26 Apr. 2024: http://quran-archive.org/explorer/m-h-shakir/1974?page=858