M. H. Shakir, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation; Foot-notes by M. H. Shakir (1974)

their credit, that Allah may reward them with the best of what they have done.

122. And it does not be-seem the believers that they should go forth all together; why should not then a company from every party from among them go forth that they may apply themselves to obtain understanding in religion, and that they may warn their people when they come back to them that they may be cautious?

Section 16

123. O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness; and know that Allah is with those who guard (against evil).

124. And whenever a chapter is revealed, there are some of them who say: Which of you has it strengthened in faith? Then as for those who believe, it strengthens them in faith and they rejoice.

125. And as for those in whose hearts is a disease, it adds uncleanness to their uncleanness and they die while they are unbelievers.

126. Do they not see that they are tried once or twice in every

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M. H. Shakir, The Holy Quran; Arabic Text and English Translation; Foot-notes by M. H. Shakir, R. A. Juma, 1615 Pech Rd., Apt. 26C, Houston, Texas 77055. Presented by World Organization for Islamic Services (WOFIS), P.O. Box No. 2245, Tehran, Iran, 1974 Edition, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 27 Jul. 2024: http://quran-archive.org/explorer/m-h-shakir/1974?page=352