George Sale, The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, translated into English immediately from the original Arabic; with Explanatory Notes, taken from the most approved Commentators. To which is prefixed A Preliminary Discource (1734)

To the READER.

Mohammedan, (unless the fault be imputed to the Spanish, or perhaps the Italian translator, and not to the original compiler;) I mean the giving to Mohammed the title of Messiah, and that not once or twice only, but in several places; whereas the title of the Messiah, or, as the Arabs write it, al Mafîh, i. e. Christ, is appropriated to Jesus in the Korân, and is constantly applied by the Mohammedans to him, and never to their own prophet . The passages produced from the Italian MS. by Mr. de la Monnoye are to be seen in this Spanish version almost word for word.

But to return to the following work. Tho’ I have freely censured the former translations of the Korân, I would not therefore be suspected if a design to make my own pass as free from faults: I am very sensible it is not’ and I make no doubt but the few who are able to discern them, and knows the difficulty of the undertaking, will give me fair quarter. I likewise flatter myself that they, and all confiderate persons, will excuse the delay which has happened in the publication of this work; when they are informed, that it was carried on at leisure times only, and amidst the necessary avocations of a troublesome profession.

Corrigenda & Addenda

In the Preliminary Discourse. Page 5. line 3. For Thabir, read Air. P. 7. In quot. 10. f. 25, r. 15. P. 13. Strike out the first note entirely. P. 21. l. 22, 23. F. in forbidden by the Korân, r. was forbidden by Mohammed. P. 45. l. 16. f. Abd‘al Metalleb, r. Al Motalleb. P. 51. l. 3 f. Oreitab, r. Oreikat. P. 78. in quot. 4. Strike out the words in Kur. c. 79. P. 86 in quot. 1. f. 9. r. 14. P. 96, l. 35 f. Tansum r. Tasnim. P. 117. l. 2. f. Yusof surnamed al Hejâj, r. al Hejâj Ebn Yûsef. P. 157. l. 5. after Arabia add, and Persia.

In the Korân and Notes. P. 10. in the notes, col. 2. Line 15. add, And from the heifer directed to be slain for the expiation of an uncertain murder. See Deut. xxi. 1—9. P. 38. in the notes, col. 1. l. 14. f. anoter daughter, r. a sister. P. 51 in the notes, col. 1. l. 1. And P. 55. in the notes, col. 1. the last line but one, f. Abi, r. Obba. P. 73. in the notes, col. 2. l. 3, 4. f. What if I should be blind? r. What tho’ I be blind? for he really was so. P. 86, text, l. 15, 16. f. Without adding thereto the murder of another soul, or without committing, r. Without having slain a soul, or committed, &c. P. 94. text, l. 10. Strike out the word inconsiderate. P. 95. in the notes, col. 2. l. 7, 8 f. Ans Ebn Malee, r. Malee Ebn Ans. P. 111. text, l. 9, 10. f. by necessity eat of, r. eat of by necessity. P. 128. text, l. 14. f. and assemble the inhabitants that they may bring, r. persons who may assemble and bring, &c. P. 154. in note c. f. §. VIII. r. §. VII. P. 168. text, l. 24. f. had, r. hath, and f. behaved, r. behave. P. 182. text, l. 21. Strike out also. P. 189. in the notes, col. 2. l. 23. f. Those, r. They. P. 213. in the notes, col. 1. l. 5. Strike out the words, they being of the same tribe; and add, Abdulseda says these people dwelt near Tabûe, and that they were not of the same tribe with Shoaib. See also Geogr. Nub. p. 110. P. 246. in the notes, col. 1. l. 5. add, who reigned in Omân. See Poe. Spec. P. 42. P. 257. text, l. The last, f. bestow, r. bestowed. P. 299. in the notes, col. 2. l. 9. strike out the words, the prophet. See chap. 36. P. 342. in the quot. f. §. V. r. §. VI. P. 371. in the quot, f. 55, r. 32. P. 477. in the notes, col. a. l. 7, f. dusly, r. dunky.


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George Sale, The Koran, commonly called the Alcoran of Mohammed, translated into English immediately from the original Arabic; with Explanatory Notes, taken from the most approved Commentators. To which is prefixed A Preliminary Discource, C. Ackers in St. John’s-Street, for J. Wilcon at Virgil’s Head overagainst the New Church in the Strand., Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 15 Jan. 2025: