Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
the tie of sworn brotherhood 1. God’s covenant with the prophets. Miraculous interference in favour of the Muslims when besieged by the confederate army at Medînah. Conduct of the ‘hypocrites’ on the occasion. Departure of the invaders. Siege and defeat of the Benu Qurâi_th_ah Jews: the men are executed: their women and children are sold into slavery and their property confiscated. Laws for the prophet’s wives: they are to be discreet and avoid ostentation. Encouragement to the good and true believers of either sex. Vindication of Mohammed’s conduct in marrying Zâinab the divorced wife of his freedman and adopted son Zâid (who is mentioned by name). No term need be observed in the case of women divorced before cohabitation. Peculiar privileges granted to Mohammed in the matter of women. Limitation of his license to take wives. Muslims are not to enter the prophet’s house without permission: after eating they are to retire without inconveniencing him by familiar discourse: are to be very modest in their demeanour to his wives: are not to marry any of his wives after him. Those relations who are permitted to see them unveiled. God and His angels bless the prophet. Slander of misbelievers will be punished. The women are to dress modestly. Warning to the hypocrites and disaffected at Medînah. The fate of the infidels at the last judgment. Man alone of all creation undertook the responsibility of faith.
XXXIV. The Chapter of Sebâ. (Mecca.)
The omniscience of God. Those who have received knowledge recognise the revelation. The unbelievers mock at Mohammed for preaching the resurrection. The birds and mountains sing praises with David: iron softened for him: he makes coats of mail. The wind subjected to Solomon: a fountain of brass made to flow for him: the ginns compelled to work for him: his death only discovered by means of the worm that gnawed the staff that supported his corpse. The prosperity of Sebâ: bursting of the dyke (el ‛Arim) and ruin of the town. Helplessness of the false gods: they cannot intercede for their worshippers when assembled at the last day. Fate of the misbelievers on that day: the proud and the weak shall dispute as to which misled the others. The affluence of the Meccans will only increase their ruin. The angels shall disown the worshippers of false gods. The Meccans accuse
1 See Introduction, p. xxxiv.