Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)

to Pharaoh: he fears lest he may be killed for slaying the Egyptian, Pharaoh charges him with ingratitude. Their dispute about God. Pharaoh claims godhead himself. The miracles of the rod and the ‘white hand.’ Moses contest with the magicians: the magicians are conquered and believe: Pharaoh threatens them with condign punishment. The Israelites leave Egypt and are pursued. The passing of the Red Sea and destruction of Pharaoh and his hosts. The story of Abraham: he preaches against idolatry. Noah is called a liar and vindicated. Hûd preaches to the people of ‛Âd, and Zâli‛h to Thamûd: the latter hamstring the she-camel and perish. The crime and punishment of the people of Sodom. The people of the Grove and the prophet Sho’hâib. The Qur’ân revealed through the instrumentality of the Faithful Spirit (Gabriel), in plain Arabic. The learned Jews recognise its truth from the prophecies in their own Scriptures. The devils could not have brought it. Mohammed is to be meek towards believers and to warn his clansmen. Those upon whom the devils do descend, namely, the poets who ‘wander distraught in every vale.’

XXVII. The Chapter of the Ant. (Mecca.)

The Qur’ân a guidance to believers. God appears to Moses in the fire: Moses is sent to Pharaoh with signs, but is called a ‘sorcerer.’ David and Solomon endowed with knowledge. Solomon taught the speech of birds. His army of men, ginns, and birds marches through the valley of the ant. One ant bids the rest retire to their holes lest Solomon and his hosts crush them. Solomon smiles and answers her. He reviews the birds and misses the hoopoe, who, returning, brings news of the magnificence of the queen of Sheba. Solomon sends him back with a letter to the queen. A demon brings him her throne. She comes to Solomon; recognises her throne; marvels at the palace with a glass floor, which she mistakes for water: becomes a Muslim. Thamûd reject Zâli‛h and perish. Lot is saved, while the people of Sodom are destroyed. The Lord the God of nature; the only God and creator. Certainty of the resurrection. The ruins of ancient cities an example. The Qur’ân decides disputed points for the Jews. Mohammed bidden to trust in God, for he cannot make the deaf to hear his message. The beast that shall appear at the resurrection. Terrors of the last day. The prophet bidden to worship ‘the Lord of this land,’ to recite the Qur’ân, and to become a Muslim.

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Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân, Oxford, Clarendon Press, Consulted online at “Quran Archive - Texts and Studies on the Quran” on 18 Jan. 2025: http://quran-archive.org/explorer/edward-palmer/1880?page=96