Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
destroyed for rejecting the apostles. Moses sent to Pharaoh: the miracles of the snake and the white hand. The magicians contend with Moses, are overcome, and believe. Pharaoh punishes them. The slaughter of the firstborn: the plagues of Egypt. The Israelites are delivered. Moses communes with God, who appears to him on the Mount. The giving of the Law. The golden calf. Moses’ wrath against Aaron. The seventy elders. The coming of Mohammed ‘the illiterate prophet’ foretold. Some Jews are just and rightly guided. The division into twelve tribes. The miracle of smiting the rock: the manna and quails: the command to enter the city, saying ‘hittatun, and punishment for disobedience. The Sabbath-breaking city: the transformation of the wicked inhabitants into apes. The dispersion of the Jews. The mountain held over the Jews. The covenant of God with the posterity of Adam: ‘Am I not your Lord 1 ?’ Humiliation of one who having foretold the coming of a prophet in the time of Mohammed would not acknowledge the latter as such. Many both of the ginn and of mankind predestined for hell. The names of God are not to be perverted 2. Mohammed is not ‘possessed.’ The coming of ‘the Hour.’ Creation of Adam and Eve: conception and birth of their first child, ‘‛Abd el ‛Hareth:’ their idolatry. Idols are themselves servants of God: they have neither life nor senses. Mohammed is bidden to treat his opponents with mildness. The mention of God’s name repels devilish influences. Men are recommended to listen to the Qur’ân and to humble themselves before God, whom the angels adore.
VIII. The Chapter of the Spoils. (Medînah.)
Spoils belong to God and the Apostle. Who are the true believers. The expedition of Mohammed against the caravan from Syria under Abu Sufiân. The miraculous victory at Bedr. Address to the Meccans who, fearing an attack from Mohammed, took sanctuary in the Kaabah, and prayed to God to decide between themselves and him. Exhortation to believe and avoid treachery. Plots against Mohammed frustrated by divine interference. The revelation treated as old folks’ tales. Rebuke of the idolaters for mocking the Muslims at prayer. Offer of an amnesty to those