Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
His attributes are expressed by ninety-nine epithets used in the Qur’ân, which in the Arabic are single words, generally participial forms, but in the translation are sometimes rendered by verbs, as, ‘He hears’ for ‘He is the hearer.’
These attributes constitute the Asmâ’ el‘Husnâ, ‘the good names 1,’ under which God is invoked by the Muslims; they are ninety-nine in number, and are as follows: —
1. ar-Ra‛hmân, the Merciful.
2. ar-Ra‛hîm, the Compassionate.
3. al-Mâlik, the Ruler.
4. al-Qaddûs, the Holy.
5. as-Salâm, Peace.
6. al-Mû’min, the Faithful.
7. al-Muhâimun, the Protector.
8. al-’Hazîz, the Mighty.
9. al-Gabbâr, the Repairer.
10. al-Mutakabbir, the Great.
11. al-Khâliq, the Creator.
12. al-Bâri’, the Creator.
13. al-Muzawwir, the Fashioner.
14. al-Ghaffâr, the Forgiver.
15. al-Qahhâr, the Dominant.
16. al-Wahhâb, the Bestower.
17. ar-Razzâq, the Provider.
18. al-Fattâ‛h, the Opener.
19. al-‛ lim, the Knowing.
20. al-Qâbiz, the Restrainer.
21. al-Bâsit, the Spreader.
22. al- ‘Hâfiz, the Guardian.
23. ar-Râfi‘, the Exalter.
24. al-Mu’hizz, the Honourer.
25. al-Muzîl, the Destroyer.
26. as- Samî’h, the Hearer.
27. al-Bazîr, the Seer.
28. al-‛Hâkim, the Judge.
29. al-’Hadl, Justice.
30. al-Latîf, the Subtle.
31. al-‘Habîr, the Aware.
32. al-‘Halîm, the Clement.
33. al-’Hathîm, the Grand.
34. al-Ghafûr, the Forgiving.
35. as-Sakûr, the Grateful.
36. al-’Halî, the Exalted.
37. al-Kabîr, the Great.
38. al-‘Hâfiz, the Guardian.
39. al-Muqît, the Strengthener.
40. al-Hasîb, the Reckoner.
41. al-Galîl, the Majestic.
42. al-Karîm, the Generous.
43. ar-Raqîb, the Watcher.
44. al-Mugîb, the Answerer of Prayer.
45. al-Wasî’h, the Comprehensive.
46. al-‛Hakîm, the Wise.
47. al-Wadûd, the Loving.
48. al-Magîd, the Glorious.
49. al-Bâ’hith, the Raiser.
50. as-Sahîd, the Witness.
51. al-Haqq, Truth.
52. al-Wakîl, the Guardian.
53. al-Qawwî, the Strong.
54. al-Matîn, the Firm.
55. al-Walî, the Patron.
56. al-Hamîd, the Laudable.
57. al-Mu‘hsî, the Counter.
1 See Chapter VII, ver. 179.