Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
And when they had entered as their father bade them, it availed them nothing against God, save for a want in Jacob’s soul which it fulfilled; for, verily, he was possessed of knowledge, for that we had taught him; — but most men do not know.
And when they entered in unto Joseph, he took his brother to stay with him, and said, ‘Verily, I am thy brother — then take not ill that which they have been doing.’
[70] And when he had equipped them with their equipment he placed the drinking cup in his brother’s pack; then a crier cried out, ‘O ye caravan! verily, ye are thieves!’
They said, approaching them, ‘What is it that ye miss?’
Said they, ‘We miss the goblet of the king, and whoso brings it shall have a camel-load, and I am guarantee thereof.’
They said, ‘By God! Ye knew we came not to do evil in the land, and that we were not thieves.’
They said, ‘And what shall be the recompense thereof if ye be liars?’
[75] They said, ‘The recompense thereof is he in whose pack it is found — he shall be the recompense thereof; thus do we recompense the unjust.’
And he began with their sacks before the sacks of his brother; then he drew it forth from his brother’s sack. Thus did we devise a stratagem for Joseph. He could not take his brother by the king’s religion 1 except God pleased; — we raise the degrees of
1 I.e. by the law of Egypt it was not lawful for Joseph to take his brother for a bondsman as a punishment for theft.