Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
water!’ and, ‘O heaven! hold!’ and the water abated; and the affair was decided, and it 1 settled on Gûdî 2, and it was said, ‘Away with the people who are evildoers!’
And Noah went unto his Lord and said, ‘My Lord, verily, my son is of my people, and, verily, Thy promise is true, and Thou art the justest of judges.’ He said, ‘O Noah! he is not of thy people; verily, it is a work that is not right. Then, ask me not for that of which thou knowest naught. Verily, I admonish thee that thou shouldst not be of the ignorant.’ He said, ‘My Lord, verily, I seek refuge in Thee from asking Thee for aught of which I know nothing; and, unless Thou dost forgive me and have mercy on me, I shall be of those who lose.’
[50] It was said, ‘O Noah! descend in safety from us, and blessings upon thee and upon (some) nations of those who are with thee 3; but (some) nations we will allow to enjoy prosperity and then there shall touch them from us grievous woe.’ These are stories of the unseen which we reveal to thee; thou didst not know them, thou nor thy people before this. Be patient, then; verily, the" issue is for those who fear.
And unto ‘Âd (we sent) their brother Hûd; he said, ‘O my people! serve God; ye have no god but Him. Ye do but devise a lie. O my people! I do not ask you for hire in return; my hire is
1 The ark.
2 Gûdî is a corruption apparently for Mount Giordi, the Gordyæi of the Greeks, situated between Armenia and Mesopotamia.
3 I.e. upon some of the nations who are to form the posterity of thyself and the members of thy family saved with thee.