Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
whosoever of the crews 1 disbelieves in him, the Fire is his promise.
Be not thou in doubt about it; verily, it is truth from thy Lord, though most men do not believe.
Who is more unjust than he who forges against God a lie? they shall be set before their Lord, and the witnesses shall say, ‘These it is who lied against their Lord.’ Aye! God’s curse is on the unjust who turn men away from the path, and crave to make it crooked, and in the hereafter disbelieve! They cannot make Him helpless in the earth, nor have they other than God for patrons. Doubled for them is the torment. They could not hear, nor did they see! Those it is who lose themselves; and that which they did devise has strayed away from them. No doubt but that in the hereafter these are those who lose!
[25] Verily, those who believe and do what is right, and humble themselves to their Lord, they are the fellows of Paradise; they shall dwell therein for aye. The two parties’ likeness is as the blind and the deaf, and the seeing and the hearing; shall they two be equal in likeness? will ye not mind?
We did send Noah unto his people, ‘Verily, I am to you an obvious warner; that ye should not worship any save God. Verily, I fear for you the torment of the grievous day. But the chiefs of those who misbelieved amongst his people said, ‘We only see in thee a mortal like ourselves; nor do we see that any follow thee except the reprobates amongst us by a rash judgment; nor do we see that you have any preference over us; nay more,
1 That is, of the idolater.