Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
Nor will God lead astray a people after He has guided them until that is made manifest to them which they have to fear; verily, God all things doth know.
Verily, God’s is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth! He quickens and He kills! Nor have ye beside God a patron or protector.
God has now turned towards the prophet and those who fled with him, and towards the helpers who followed him in the hour of difficulty, after that the hearts of a part of them had well-nigh gone amiss.
Then He turned unto them; verily, to them He is kind and merciful: — unto the three 1 who were left behind, so that the earth with all its ample space was too strait for them, and their souls were straitened for them, and they thought that there was no refuge for them from God save unto Him.
Then He turned again towards them that they might also turn; verily, God, He is easily turned and merciful!
[120] O ye who believe! fear God and be with those who speak the truth.
It was not for the people of Medînah, and those around about them of the Arabs of the desert, to stay behind the Apostle of God and not to prefer their souls to his: that is because neither thirst, nor toil, nor heat, nor hunger befel them on God’s way. Nor do they stop to anger the misbelievers, nor do they get any (harm) from the enemy without
1 Three of the Ansars who refused to accompany Mohammed to Tabûk.