Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
before men, and to turn folks off God’s way; for all they do God comprehends.
[50] And when Satan made their works appear seemly to them, and said, ‘There is none amongst mankind to conquer you to-day, for, verily, I am your neighbour!’ and when the two troops came in sight of each other, he turned upon his heels and said, ‘Verily, I am clear of you! verily, I see what you see not 1 ! verily, I fear God, for God is keen to punish!’
And when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts was sickness said, ‘Their religion hath beguiled these men 2, but he who relies upon God, verily, God is mighty and wise.’
Couldst thou see when the angels take away the souls of those who misbelieve; they smite them on their faces and hinder parts. — ‘Taste ye the torment of burning! that is for what your hands have sent on before; and for that God is no unjust one towards his servants.’
As was the wont of Pharaoh’s people and those before them! they disbelieved in the signs of God, and God overtook them in their sins; verily, God is strong and keen to punish.
[55] That is because God is not one to change a favour He has favoured a people with, until they change what they have in themselves, and for that God both hears and knows.
As was the wont of Pharaoh’s people and those before them! they said our signs were lies, and we destroyed them in their sins, and drowned
1 The angels who were fighting on the Muslim side.
2 I. e. beguiled them into attacking a force superior in numbers.