Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
at it 1; but know that God is rich and to be praised .
The devil promises you poverty and bids you sin, but God promises you pardon from Him and grace, for God both embraces and knows. He bringeth wisdom unto whom He will, and he who is brought wisdom 2 is brought much good; but none will remember save those endowed with minds.
Whatever expense ye expend, or vow ye vow, God knows it; but the unjust have no helpers. If ye display your almsgiving, then well is it; but if ye hide it and bring it to the poor, then is it better for you, and will expiate for you your evil deeds; for God of what ye do is well aware.
Thou 3 art not bound to guide them; but God guides whom He will; and whatever good ye expend it is for yourselves, and do not expend save craving for God’s face.
And what ye expend of good, it .shall be repaid you, and ye shall not be wronged, — unto the poor who are straitened in God’s way, and cannot knock about 4 in the earth. The ignorant think them to be rich because of their modesty; you will know them
1 I.e. by a mutual understanding between seller and buyer.
2 See note 2, p. 1.
3 I.e. Mohammed.
4 I must again remind the reader of the remarks made in the Introduction that the language of the Qur’ân is really rude and rugged, and that although the expressions employed in it are now considered as refined and elegant, it is only because all literary Arabic has been modelled on the style of the Qur’ân. The word which I have ventured to translate by this somewhat inelegant phrase (dharban) means literally, ‘to beat or knock about,’ and as colloquial English affords an exact equivalent I have not hesitated to use it.