Edward Palmer, The Qur’ân (1880)
know. And they follow that which the devils recited against Solomon’s kingdom; — it was not Solomon who misbelieved 1, but the devils who misbelieved, teaching men sorcery, — and what has been revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Hârût and Mârût 2; yet these taught no one until they said, ‘We are but a temptation, so do not misbelieve.’ Men learn from them only that by which they may part man and wife; but they can harm no one therewith, unless with the permission of God, and they learn what hurts them and profits them not. And yet they knew that he who purchased it would have no portion in the future; but sad is the price at which they have sold their souls, had they but known. But had they believed and feared, a reward from God were better, had they but known.
O ye who believe! say not ‘ra’hina,’ but say ‘unthurnâ 3,’ and hearken; for unto misbelievers shall be grievous woe.
They who misbelieve, whether of those who have the Book or of the idolaters, would fain that no good were sent down to you from your Lord; but God specially favours with His mercy whom He will, for God is Lord of mighty grace.
[100] Whatever verse we may annul or cause thee
1 Solomon’s acts of disobedience and idolatry are attributed by Muslim tradition to the tricks of devils, who assumed his form.
2 Two angels who having fallen in love with daughters of men (Gen. vi. 2) were condemned to hang in chains in a pit at Babylon, where they teach men magic.
3 The Jewish Arabs used the first of these two words derisively. In Arabic it merely means ‘observe us,’ but the Jews connected it with the Hebrew root rû‛há, ‘to be mischievous.’ Unthurnâ signifies ‘behold us.’