Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
Act as you wish;
indeed He sees best what you do.
41 Indeed those who defy the Reminder
when it comes to them.…1
Indeed it is an august Book:
42 falsehood cannot approach it,
from before it
nor from behind it,
a [gradually] sent down [revelation]
from One all-wise, all-laudable.
43 Nothing is said to you except
what has already been said [earlier]
to the apostles before you.
Indeed your Lord is forgiving
and One who metes out a painful retribution.
44 Had We made it a non-Arabic 2 Qur’ān,
they 3 would have surely said,
‘Why have not its signs been articulated?’
‘What! A non-Arabian [scripture]4
and an Arabian [prophet]!?’
Say, ‘For those who have faith, it is a guidance
and healing;
but as for those who are faithless,
there is a deafness in their ears
and it is lost to their sight.’
1 Ellipsis. The phrase omitted, considering the context, is, ‘will face a severe punishment.’
2 Or ‘a barbaric Qur’ān;’ that is, in a language other than articulate literary Arabic.
3 That is, the Arabs.
4 Or ‘a barbaric scripture.’