Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
30 You will indeed die,
and they [too] will die indeed.
31 Then on the Day of Resurrection you will indeed
contend before your Lord.
32 So who is a greater wrongdoer
than him who attributes a falsehood to Allah,
and denies the truth when it reaches him?
Is not the [final] abode of the faithless in hell?
33 He who brings the truth
and he who confirms it
— it is they who are the Godwary.
34 They will have whatever they wish near their Lord.
That is the reward of the virtuous,
35 so that Allah may absolve them of
the worst of what they did,
and pay them their reward
by the best of what they used to do.
36 Does not Allah suffice [to defend] His servant?
They 1 would frighten you of others than Him.
Yet whomever Allah leads astray,
has no guide,
37 and whomever Allah guides,
there is no one who can lead him astray.
Is not Allah an all-mighty avenger?
38 If you ask them,
‘Who created the heavens and the earth?’
they will surely say, ‘Allah.’
1 That is, the idolaters, who threatened the Prophet with the vengeance of their gods.